#russia 9 posts

20 w ·Translate

JUST IN: 🇺🇸🇷🇺 American media outlet Bloomberg now admits attempts to isolate Russia have failed, as BRICS Summit becomes one of the largest foreign policy events in Russia's history.
#brics #russia #bloomberg

30 w ·Translate


BRICS is set to invite Palestine to its 2024 summit, scheduled for October 22-24 in Kazan, Russia.

This marks the first meeting of the expanded nine-member alliance to discuss global issues, including the economy and trade.

Palestine, anticipating the invitation this month, may address the Israel-Gaza conflict at the summit.

Palestine's leader Mahmoud Abbas confirmed a verbal agreement for Palestine’s participation in the outreach format.
#brics #plaestine #abbas #russia

30 w ·Translate

JUST IN: 🇷🇺🇮🇷 Russia's An-225 military aircraft, the largest cargo plane in the world, has landed in Iran.
#russia #iran #military #an225 #cargoplane

31 w ·Translate

🚢 The World’s Biggest Submarine Fleets
Submarines are crucial for navies because they provide stealthy, strategic capabilities for surveillance, deterrence, and offensive operations in underwater environments.

This graphic shows the top 12 countries by their number of military submarines as of July 2024, based on data from GlobalFirepower.com.

🌊 Russia Has the Biggest Fleet
Russia ranks first with 65 submarines, followed by the U.S. (64) and China (61). Combined, the three countries account for 40% of the global fleet.

🇷🇺 Russia: 65
🇺🇸 United States: 64
🇨🇳 China: 61
🇰🇵 North Korea: 35
🇯🇵 Japan: 23
🇰🇷 South Korea: 22
🇮🇷 Iran: 19
🇮🇳 India: 18
🇹🇷 Turkey: 12
🇬🇷 Greece: 11
🇬🇧 UK: 10
🇫🇷 France: 9
🔧 Technological Superiority
When it comes to technology, the U.S. is ahead. According to Admiral Samuel Paparo, commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, U.S. submarine technology is one generation, or 10 to 20 years, ahead of counterparts like China.

The latest addition to the U.S. Navy, the Columbia-class nuclear submarine, is the most sophisticated vessel of its kind. It is stealthy and equipped with 16 missile tubes. The American fleet also has the Seawolf class, designed to address the threat of Soviet ballistic missile submarines and replace the aging Los Angeles class of submarines. During the 1980s, a fleet of 29 submarines was to be built, which was reduced to 12. With the end of the Cold War and each submarine costing about $3 billion, the program was reduced to only three units.

🛠️ Russian Fleet Highlights
Among the Russian fleet, the Sierra II Class, also known as Project 945A Kondor Class, remains one of the most expensive and deep-diving submarines. These vessels were explicitly developed for search and destroy missions against U.S. nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines.

Image: visualcapitalist
#military #submarines #navalpower #globalmilitary #defense #technology #russia #usa #china #defensestrategies

51 w ·Translate

#afghanistan #albania #algeria #americansamoa #andorra #angola #anguilla #antarctica #antiguabarbuda #argentina #armenia #aruba #australia #austria #azerbaijan #bahamas #bahrain #bangladesh #barbados #belarus #belgium #belize #benin #bermuda #bhutan #bolivia #bosniaherzegovina #botswana #bouvetisland #bouvetoya #brazil #britishindianoceanterritory #chagosarchipelago #britishvirginislands #brunei #bruneidarussalam #bulgaria #burkinafaso #burundi #cambodia #cameroon #canada #capeverde #caymanislands #centralafricanrepublic #tchad #chad #chile #china #christmasisland #cocos #keelingislands #colombia #comoros #congo #cookislands #costarica #cotedivoire #croatia #cuba #cyprus #czechrepublic #denmark #djibouti #dominica #dominicanrepublic #ecuador #egypt #elsalvador #equatorialguinea #eritrea #estonia #ethiopia #faroeislands #falklandislands #malvinas #fiji #finland #france #frenchguiana #frenchpolynesia #frenchsouthernterritories #gabon #gambia #georgia #germany #ghana #gibraltar #greece #greenland #grenada #guadeloupe #guam #guatemala #guernsey #guinea #guineabissau #guyana #haiti #holysee #vaticancitystate #honduras #hongkong #hungary #iceland #india #indonesia #iran #iraq #ireland #isleofman #israel #italy #jamaica #japan #jersey #jordan #kazakhstan #kenya #kiribati #northkorea #southkorea #korea #kuwait #kyrgyzrepublic #lao #laopeoplesdemocraticrepublic #latvia #lebanon #lesotho #liberia #libya #libyanarabjamahiriya #liechtenstein #lithuania #luxembourg #macao #acedonia #madagascar #malawi #malaysia #maldives #mali #malta #marshallislands #martinique #mauritania #mauritius #mayotte #mexico #micronesia #moldova #monaco #mongolia #montenegro #montserrat #morocco #mozambique #myanmar #namibia #nauru #nepal #netherlandsantilles #netherlands #newcaledonia #newzealand #nicaragua #niger #nigeria #niue #norfolkisland #northernmarianaislands #norway #oman #pakistan #palau #palestine #panama #papuanewguinea #paraguay #peru #philippines #pitcairnislands #poland #portugal #puertorico #qatar #reunion #romania #russia #russianfederation #rwanda #saintbarthelemy #sainthelena #saintkittsnevis #saintlucia #saintmartin #samoa #sanmarino #saudiarabia #senegal #serbia #seychelles #sierraleone #singapore #slovakia #slovakrepublic #slovenia #solomonislands #somalia #southafrica #spain #srilanka #sudan #suriname #eswatini #swaziland #sweden #switzerland #syria #syrianarabrepublic #taiwan #tajikistan #tanzania #thailand #timorleste #togo #tokelau #tonga #trinidadandtobago #tunisia #turkey #turkmenistan #turkscaicosislands #tuvalu #uganda #ukraine #unitedarabemirates #britain #scotland #unitedkingdom #unitedstatesofamerica #usa #unitedstatesminoroutlyingislands #unitedstatesvirginislands #uruguay #uzbekistan #vanuatu #venezuela #vietnam #wallisfutuna #westernsahara #yemen #zambia #zimbabwe