Centre for Strategic & Policies Studies
Centre for Strategic & Policies Studies

Centre for Strategic & Policies Studies


🚔🇺🇸 The Number of Active Duty Troops in Each U.S. State
The U.S. has the world’s seventh-largest military, numbering more than 2 million personnel. Of them, 1.1 million active duty troops are stationed within the country.

Ranked: U.S. States Hosting the Most Active Duty Troops
According to March 2024 figures from the Defense Manpower Data Center, the distribution of active duty troops across U.S. states is as follows:

California: 157,367 troops

Navy: 75,000
Marines: 54,000
Notable: Marine recruitment center in San Diego.
Virginia: 126,145 troops

Home to the world's largest naval base in Norfolk.
Headquarters to all services located at the Pentagon.
Texas: 111,005 troops

Army: 66,000
Air Force: 34,000
Hosts nine military bases.
North Carolina: 91,077 troops

Home to the country's largest army base.
Florida: 66,039 troops

Large presence of Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard.
Georgia: 63,391 troops

Washington: 56,572 troops

Hawaii: 44,423 troops

Colorado: 36,111 troops

Space Force operations: 4,000 troops.
South Carolina: 32,897 troops

Other Notable States
Kentucky: 30,755 troops
Maryland: 28,059 troops
Alaska: 20,784 troops
Kansas: 19,769 troops
Oklahoma: 19,084 troops
New York: 18,262 troops
Illinois: 17,197 troops
Total: 1,119,432 active duty personnel
Key Points
The top 10 states host 70% of all active duty U.S. personnel.
Except for Colorado, the top 10 states are along the coast.
Nearly 170,000 active duty troops are stationed overseas, primarily in Japan, Germany, and South Korea.
Image: visualcapitalist
#military #defense #usmilitary #activeduty #troopdeployment #defensemanpowerdata #militarystatistics #staterankings


📊 Top Companies by Generative AI Patents

The release of AI assistants like ChatGPT has created significant public enthusiasm for generative AI (GenAI). This is reflected in the sharp increase in patent activity, with the number of patent families in GenAI growing from just 733 in 2014 to over 14,000 in 2023.

Here’s a look at the top companies by patent ownership in GenAI models as of April 2024, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

China Leads in Generative AI Patents
Among the GenAI programs or models with most patents are:

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): GANs use a generator to create data and a discriminator to evaluate it, refining the generator’s output. They are essential in image generation, style transfer, and data augmentation.
Variational Autoencoders (VAEs): VAEs encode data into a latent space and decode it back, allowing new data generation by sampling the latent space. They are used in image generation, anomaly detection, and semi-supervised learning.
Decoder-based Large Language Models (LLMs): LLMs, like GPT, generate text by leveraging the transformer architecture and vast pre-training data. They excel in text completion, translation, summarization, and conversational AI.
Here are the leading companies:

1. Tencent Holdings 🇨🇳: 2,074 patents
2. Ping An Insurance 🇨🇳: 1,564 patents
3. Baidu 🇨🇳: 1,234 patents
4. IBM 🇺🇸: 601 patents
5. Alibaba Group 🇨🇳: 571 patents
6. Samsung Electronics 🇰🇷: 468 patents
7. Alphabet/Google 🇺🇸: 443 patents
8. ByteDance 🇨🇳: 418 patents
9. BBK Electronics 🇨🇳: 377 patents
10. Microsoft 🇺🇸: 377 patents
11. Netease 🇨🇳: 337 patents
12. NTT 🇯🇵: 330 patents
13. Huawei 🇨🇳: 328 patents
14. China Mobile 🇨🇳: 300 patents
15. State Grid 🇨🇳: 291 patents
16. Adobe 🇺🇸: 257 patents
17. Sony Group 🇯🇵: 218 patents
18. Siemens 🇩🇪: 208 patents
19. Ant Group 🇨🇳: 202 patents
20. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 🇨🇳: 191 patents

China's Dominance: Chinese companies like Tencent, Ping An Insurance, and Baidu are at the forefront of the GenAI patent race.
U.S. Leaders: IBM, Alphabet (Google), and Microsoft lead the pack among U.S. companies. IBM's Watsonx platform focuses on data security and compliance. Alphabet's AI division recently released its LLM model, Gemini, and Microsoft is a major investor in OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT.
Global Reach: The list includes companies from South Korea, Japan, Germany, and the U.S., showing the worldwide race in AI innovation.
This surge in patents underscores the rapid advancements and intense competition in the field of generative AI.
#generativeai #aiinnovation #patentrace #techtrends #airesearch #techgiants #aiadvancements
