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🌍 African Countries by GDP per Capita, end Q2 2024

*by GDP per Capita, in USD:

1. 🇸🇨 Seychelles $21,875.08
2. 🇲🇺 Mauritius $12,973.30
3. 🇬🇦 Gabon $9,307.88
4. 🇧🇼 Botswana $7,875.31
5. 🇱🇾 Libya $6,975.33
6. 🇬🇶 Equatorial Guinea $6,733.33
7. 🇿🇦 South Africa $5,974.91
8. 🇩🇿 Algeria $5,721.68
9. 🇳🇦 Namibia $4,745.26
10. 🇨🇻 Cabo Verde $4,655.65
11. 🇹🇳 Tunisia $4,435.00
12. 🇸🇿 Eswatini $4,323.96
13. 🇩🇯 Djibouti $4,183.97
14. 🇲🇦 Morocco $4,077.53
15. 🇪🇬 Egypt $3,224.87
16. 🇸🇹 São Tomé and Príncipe $3,167.30
17. 🇨🇮 Côte d’Ivoire $2,717.40
18. 🇨🇬 Congo, Republic of $2,456.87
19. 🇦🇴 Angola $2,431.58
20. 🇲🇷 Mauritania $2,346.95
21. 🇬🇭 Ghana $2,229.90
22. 🇿🇼 Zimbabwe $2,087.61
23. 🇰🇪 Kenya $1,983.10
24. 🇪🇹 Ethiopia $1,909.98
25. 🇸🇳 Senegal $1,899.73
26. 🇨🇲 Cameroon $1,814.94
27. 🇬🇳 Guinea $1,650.56
28. 🇧🇯 Benin $1,512.24
29. 🇿🇲 Zambia $1,413.42
30. 🇰🇲 Comoros $1,384.49
31. 🇹🇿 Tanzania $1,220.36
32. 🇺🇬 Uganda $1,201.97
33. 🇳🇬 Nigeria $1,109.90
34. 🇱🇸 Lesotho $1,107.08
35. 🇬🇼 Guinea-Bissau $1,087.49
36. 🇹🇬 Togo $1,058.32
37. 🇹🇩 Chad $1,014.08
38. 🇬🇲 Gambia, The $989.17
39. 🇷🇼 Rwanda $988.74
40. 🇧🇫 Burkina Faso $910.21
41. 🇲🇱 Mali $898.82
42. 🇱🇷 Liberia $854.85
43. 🇸🇴 Somalia $775.94
44. 🇨🇩 Congo (DRC) $714.76
45. 🇳🇪 Niger $670.10
46. 🇲🇿 Mozambique $659.10
47. 🇸🇩 Sudan $546.71
48. 🇲🇬 Madagascar $538.18
49. 🇨🇫 Central African Republic $537.60
50. 🇸🇱 Sierra Leone $526.59
51. 🇲🇼 Malawi $480.73
52. 🇸🇸 South Sudan, Republic of $421.86
53. 🇧🇮 Burundi $230.04

*Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is a country's economic output per person, calculated by dividing a country's GDP by it's population

The average GDP per capita across African countries stands at $2,955, falling short on the global average of $13,840

(IMF/Visual Capitalist)