New cranes arrive at Port Sudan to boost the import and export of the nation 🏗️ 🇸🇩
#africa #sudan #portsudan

New cranes arrive at Port Sudan to boost the import and export of the nation 🏗️ 🇸🇩
#africa #sudan #portsudan
Mohamed Issa Tayfour, Sudanese Attorney General, during Enhanced interactive dialogue on the human rights situation in #sudan session in Geneva today :
🔴We recommend ending the mandate of the fact-finding mission.
🔴We demand Exercising the necessary pressure on the #uae and others to stop their support for the #rsf, which has prolonged the war, and holding them responsible for compensation for the serious damages suffered by the Sudanese.
🔴We demand Classifying the rebel #rsf Militia as a terrorist group.
🌍 Eman El Sharif: A Voice for Change in Sudan 🇸🇩
Eman El Sharif is a prominent figure in Sudan, known for her unwavering commitment to women's rights, activism, and literature. 📚 As Sudan continues to navigate its complex socio-political landscape, voices like Eman’s are crucial in advocating for progress and social justice.
💪 Champion for Women's Empowerment Eman has been at the forefront of initiatives aimed at improving the status of women in Sudan, addressing broader issues of human rights and democracy. Her activism has brought much-needed attention to the challenges faced by marginalized communities.
✍️ Literary Contributions Through her powerful writings, Eman explores themes of identity, gender, and resilience. Her work not only reflects the struggles of Sudanese women but also celebrates their strength in overcoming adversity.
🌟 Global Impact Eman El Sharif's influence extends beyond Sudan, contributing to international dialogues on women's rights. Her dedication continues to inspire many, proving the power of resilience and the importance of standing up for justice.
#emanelsharif #sudan #womensrights #activism #literature #socialjustice #empowerment #inspiration #globalvoices
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